DESCH Drive Systems for Oil & Gas Industry – Thrusters !

DESCH Drive Systems for Oil & Gas Industry – Thrusters !

We design and produce drive solutions and provide complete solutions for just about every industry. For instance, we develop drives for Thrusters, which are used on Oil & Gas platforms. We know our customers’ markets, in which customized and flexible solutions are becoming more and more important. The cutting-edge technology of our precision drives and our expertise in consultation and service are valued all over the world.

For Further Info (For Turkish Market):

#DESCH #Deschgroup #Global #Turkey #Turkiye #dengineering #thrusters #thrusterdrives #oilgasindustry #oilgasplaforms #oilandgasindustry #oilfieldequipment
#drivetechnology #smartdrivesolutions #azimuthgearbox #thinksmartsyncdesch #gearbox #planetarygearbox #technology #quality #systemsolution #petroleumindustry
